Hiax Preservation Ltd Listed Building Conservation and Repair In North Devon
Hiax Preservation LtdListed Building Conservation and RepairIn North Devon

http://www.english-heritage.org.uk/  English Heritage protects England's historic environment and ensure that the past is underdood and preserved. 


http://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/  The National Trust protects the nations heritage in order that it can be enjoyed both now and in the years to come.


http://www.spab.org.uk/  Organisation commited to saving ancient buildings, providing home owners with practical knowledge.


http://www.jonathan-rhind.co.uk/  Jonathan Rhind Architects are based in Devon and Somerset and focus on conservation projects for listed and historic buildings throughout the South West.


http://www.swarch.net/  South West Archaeology is a well established practice based in South Molton, Devon.  Services include specialist reports on individual houses.


http://www.richardgreenecology.co.uk  Provides ecological consultancy services in surveys, assessments, management and design


http://www.greenbuildingpress.co.uk/  Information and publications to help you create healthy and ecological homes and buildings





Hiax Preservation Limited

59 Hanson Park


North Devon

EX39 3SB


Call Andy Cripps on:

01237 475331

07533 222296

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